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Disnakertans dan Energi Imbau Pengusaha Beri JSHK ke Pekerja
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Nakertrans and Energy Agency Urges Employers to Provide JSHK to Employees

Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration (Nakertrans) and Energy Agency Head, Andri Yansyah urged employers to register their employees in Social Protection on Employment Relations Outside Working Hours (JSHK).

With those three programs, workers in Jakarta will be protected for 24 hours

He assessed that accident risk protection outside working hours is often ignored by both workers employers as the job provider. Whereas the Jakarta Government has issued Gubernatorial Regulation (Pergub) No. 136/2009 on the Implementation of JSHK Program.

JSHK Program, he explained, was made to complement the risk insurance for work accidents at working hours and health insurance which provided by BPJS Health.

Improving Worker's Welfare, City Strengthen Collaboration with Trade Unions

"With those three programs, workers in Jakarta will be protected for 24 hours," he asserted at Jakarta Nakertrans and Energy Agency Office, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Friday (8/28).

Today, his side handed over compensation for death claims to the Employment BPJS to be passed on to the heirs of JSHK Program participants with total amount of Rp 1.2 billion.

According to him, it is a clear example of JSHK Program protection. With this compensation, it is hoped it can be useful for the family left by the deceased.

"Providing a sense of security to the workers can increase their productivity and later it can advance the economy," he closed.

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